Stratum and rock
It was carried, and the rock which became fragile deposited in the river mouth as action によってれき, sand, mud of the running water by stratum … weathering and piled up into a a layer form.
The place that outcrop … cliffs show stratum and can observe
The phenomenon that a rock becomes fragile by a change of weathering … rainwater and the temperature
It is clastic form thing … れき, sand, mud. As for these three, the volume of drop is different each.
- The volume of れき … drop more than 2mm
- The volume of sand … drop is less than … 2mm more than 0.06mm
- The volume of mud … drop is less than 0.06mm
Action of the running water
It is served to scrape off land by erosion … running water
Action to carry the earth and sand which I scraped off by transportation … running water
Action to let the bottom pile up with the earth and sand which I carried by speed of the sedimentation … running water becoming slow near the river mouth
※Because it is hard to be depressed by a flow of the running water so that the grain of the earth and sand is small, I come to deposit in order of れき ⇒ sand ⇒ mud in the distance.
Sedimentary rock
There are the sedimentary rock … earth and sand six kinds about a rock to prepare the stratum which I push it, and was hardened into.
- れき rock … れきが is the rock which I harden, and was made and is round
- I am round in the rock which sandstone … sand hardens, and was made
- I am round in the rock which mudstone … mud hardens, and was made
- I am square-built in the rock which tufa … volcanic ejecta hardens, and was made.
- I am square-built in the rock which (calcium carbonate) hardens for the lime of the corpse (including coral and the shellfish) of the limestone … creature, and was made
- I am square-built in the rock which (silicon dioxide) hardens for the silicic acid of the corpse (including ホウサンチュウ) of the chart … creature, and was made
Distinction of limestone and the chart
Limestone and the chart drop hydrochloric acid in there not being many differences by the appearance and distinguish it.
I refer to a property of 1 gas out of ⇒ which … carbon dioxide which adds hydrochloric acid to limestone produces
The … nothing which adds hydrochloric acid to a chart happens
A fossil … creature (including the plant) became the corpse and stayed for a long time
The fossil which becomes the clue knowing the then natural environments that facies fossil … stratum deposited
- The shallow sea which coral … is warm, and is clean
- The corbicula … river mouth and lake
- It is slightly chilly in the beech … temperate zone
The fossil which becomes the clue knowing the then geological age when index fossil … stratum deposited
[Paleozoic fossil]
- Trilobite
- Fusuline
[Mesozoic fossil]
- Dinosaur
- Ammonite
- Archaeornis
[Cenozoic fossil]
- Bimosquito re-a (new generation Tertiary period)
- Elephas namadicus (the new generation Quaternary period)
A change and earthquake of the earth
I bring various changes in the stratum by an earthquake being generated. I settle the representative change.
The power that music … stratum to learn is pushed by right and left acts, and stratum transform it to wave
Big power acts on the dislocation … stratum and it is the thing which a gap produced in the stratum, and drag it and is divided into three kinds in.
- Dislocation to occur because of power attracted by normal fault … right and left
- The dislocation which arises from reverse fault … right and left by pushed power
- The dislocation which produces transcurrent fault … by power pushed horizontally
Upheaval … land being lifted in a plumb in the direction.
Sedimentation … land fall down to the plumb lower direction.
It is inconsistent with adjustment
The heap that the sedimentation of the adjustment … stratum continues, and is made
It is heap with the interruption for the sedimentation of the inconsistent … stratum
※The false setting is made in order of upheaval ⇒ erosion ⇒ sedimentation ⇒ sedimentation.