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Classification of the plant

Gamopetalous flowers, schizopetalous flowers

I can divide the Dicotyledones into two kinds by one with petal がの.

The plant which the original place of the gamopetalous flowers … petal sticks to

The plant that a schizopetalous flowers … petal is far one by one

Friend … Compositae of gamopetalous flowers, heath family, mint family, Solanaceae, Convolvulaceae, bellflower department

Friend … Brassicaceae of schizopetalous flowers, rose family, camellia department, pink department, Leguminosae


Spore plant

The plant which increases families by a spore without making a spore plant … seed. There are pteridophyte, bryophyte, so.



Characteristic of the pteridophyte

  1. I increase families with a spore.
  2. There are a root, a stem, the distinction of the leaf, and there is a vascular strand.
  3. There are spore のうが a lot of bags which gathered on the back of the leaf.

Increase of pteridophyte

  1. Spore のうが is to become ripe, and a spore splashes.
  2. The spore which fell into the ground germinates and becomes the heart-shaped prothallium. The prothallium produces rhizoid in an aspect to contact with the ground.
  3. There is an organ (antheridium, archegonium) to prepare a cell and the sperm which prepare the egg into the prothallium into and, in what it rains, a sperm swims to an egg and is fertilized.
  4. A fertilized cell grows up and becomes the next-generation plant.

Friend … spring of the pteridophyte, bracken, hare’s-foot fern, field horsetail, scouring rush


Characteristic of the bryophyte

  1. I am often divided into the male strain and a female and increase friends with a spore born to a female.
  2. There are not a root, a stem, the distinction of the leaf, and there is not a vascular strand.
  3. I gather around the ground which got wet and grow and adopt water and nourishment from the surface of the body.
  4. fix a body in rhizoid looking like a root.

Increase of bryophyte

  1. Because a sperm born to an egg cell and the male strain made of females is fertilized, the egg cell of the female is breeding, spore のうができる.
  2. Spore のうから spore splashes.
  3. The spore which fell into the ground germinates and becomes the next-generation plant.

Friend … liverwort of the bryophyte, haircap moss, luminous moss, bog moss



Characteristic of so

  1. I live in water.
  2. The structure of the body is simple, and there is not the distinction of a stem and the leaf, and there is not the vascular strand, too.
  3. I fix a body in rhizoid looking like a root.

Increase of so

  • Kombu or the seaweed are spore のうをつくる on rhizoid in the area. (I increase with a spore)
  • Desmid or the Kei Hane so gain families to two in disruption. (I increase by division)


Friend … kombu of so, seaweed, splash diatom, chlorella, desmid


A classification and specific example (summary) of the plant of each classification

[seed plant]

Gamopetalous flowers … morning glory, dandelion, azalea, chrysanthemum, eggplant, potato

Schizopetalous flowers … cole, cherry tree, pea, rose

Single cotyledons … tulip, lily, spiderwort, rice, iris, corn, wheat

Gymnospermae … pine, cedar, ginkgo, cycad

[spore plant]

Pteridophyte … spring, bracken, hare’s-foot fern, field horsetail, scouring rush

Bryophyte … liverwort, haircap moss, luminous moss, bog moss

So … kombu, seaweed, splash diatom, chlorella, desmid


I return to a list of units


Posted by Lese